Mind + Body + Breath Connection

Featuring a share from Pilates Teacher, Mackenzie Cherry

Offering a variety of class styles has always been a part of the Humble Haven vision, as a means for creating a space where students can show up to practice and feel the mind, body and spiritual benefits of a holistic experience. Adding a Pilates class to our list of offerings came naturally, especially as we entered the new year with two studio spaces to gather and move as a community. Mat pilates encourages concentration for precise movements that build awareness of the breath, strengthen the core and low back muscles, and support joint stabilization, all of which are elements found in many of our other class styles.

“I love yoga and I love Pilates! Pilates involves a series of repetitive body moves with a breath technique to enhance correct movement and coordination. Although the breathing techniques are different between the two disciplines, linking the breath and mind body connection are key to proper form and engagement. A regular yoga and Pilates practice can improve muscular strength, balance, posture, and flexibility. Pilates increases stability, you will find that your ability to balance in poses while practicing yoga improves. Pilates also builds our lower abdominal muscles and psoas muscles which help us to float and fly, and maintain control in inversions such as handstands, headstands, and scorpion.

“Pilates moves require stabilizing your core before going through a series of range of motion exercises. You can adopt a position and then challenge your arms and legs. Pilates and yoga also work the body in all planes of movement. A specific muscle can be isolated in some traditional Pilates exercises, but these exercises can mimic functional movement, and daily tasks and activities require this type of movement. It is important to continue the practice of Pilates and yoga to improve and maintain the quality of your daily life!” shares teacher Mackenzie Cherry.

Pilates focuses on toning muscles which helps build both endurance and overall stability in the body. Expect to use a combination of bodyweight movements and movements that incorporate props. Unlike classical pilates, class sequences will fuse classical and contemporary pilates as well as other movement styles.

While we will always consider Power Yoga to be our core offering here at Humble Haven, we are also excited to be able to offer additional class styles that speak to the principles of yoga, as well as our own core values: Humbleness, Strength, Versatility, Belonging, and Togetherness.

Meet Mackenzie

Mackenzie is passionate about the attention to detail that Pilates gives to alignment, form, and engagement. She truly believes that there is a style of yoga and Pilates for everyone! Mackenzie received her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2004 at Yoga Source, and she went to Mysore, India to study the Ashtanga lineage with Pattabhi Jois and Sharath. She also studied Intensive Mat and Advanced Mat with LeeAnn Silvey and Intensive Reformer with Kimber McQueen at Balance Pilates Studio. She also received a Pilates Reformer certification from Niche Pilates in 2023 to add in more contemporary elements of execution.

Join us on Mondays at 8:30 AM and Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for PIlates in studio 2!


Showing Up, Again and Again


No Matter What