Emely Taveras


Emely began her yoga journey in 2013, soon after moving to RVA.  What started out as a once a week practice quickly became an every day practice once she found hot power yoga and Humble Haven Yoga.  She came to yoga out of curiosity but soon noticed the profound changes happening not just on her mat but in her life as well.  She finally took the plunge in 2019 and became a RYT-200 by completing her yoga teacher training at Humble Haven Yoga.  One of the main take-ways from that experience was that there is always more to learn and space to grow.  The beauty of yoga is being able to step on your mat and letting the practice guide you.

As a teacher, she holds space for students to discover their own paths to happiness and fulfillment.  Ultimately, finding love for themselves through their practice.  Her classes are energetic and playful.  Focusing on proper alignment and taking yourself to your edge so you can explore what’s available.

Among other things, Emely loves science fiction stories, iced coffee, traveling to new destinations, and spoiling her pup.


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